SEGRO acts as Venture Adviser, Property Manager, Development Manager and Administrator to SELP, acting either through SELP Management Limited* (a SEGRO plc group company) or another member of SEGRO plc’s group. SELP formally adopted the Responsible SEGRO Framework in April 2021 and all assets owned by SELP, and SELP itself, are managed in line with the Responsible SEGRO Framework as well as other SEGRO policies.

The new Responsible SEGRO framework introduces three long-term priorities to which we can make the greatest business, environmental and social contribution.

  • Championing low-carbon growth
  • Investing in our local communities and environments
  • Nurturing talent

In order for SELP’s portfolio to be truly prime, the buildings need not only to be modern and located in areas of structurally strong demand and limited supply, but also to meet high quality environmental standards. In this regard, the Responsible SEGRO Framework sets out three environmental commitments:

  • Building lower-carbon spaces: we are committed to reducing the average embodied carbon intensity of all new developments by 20% by 2030 (compared to a 2020 baseline) in line with a science-based target pathway.
  • Running lower-carbon spaces: we are committed to reducing the absolute corporate and customer carbon emissions by 42% by 2030 (compared to a 2020 baseline) in line with a science-based target pathway.
  • Absorbing any residual carbon: to address any residual carbon, we will research and implement innovative approaches to carbon absorption and offset, using our scale and resources to create local, authentic and effective ways to capture carbon from the air.
Further information on SEGRO and SELP’s approach to sustainability can be found in the following links:


SELP invested €3.75m in a solar panel project with our customer Tesla in Tilburg, Netherlands. The panels cover the roof area equivalent to almost four football pitches and produce enough electricity each year to charge 30,000 Tesla Model S cars.

*SELP Management Limited is an appointed representative of Langham Hall Fund Management LLP, which is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority of the UK.

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